Ms. Chiquanda Evan's Story….
Enrolling my children in The Caring n’ Sharing School is undeniably the best investment I have ever made in my children’s lives and future. I enrolled my l6 year old daughter and l4 year old son Christmastime 2012. They have been attending for three years starting January 2015.
I am most impressed with my son, Jeremy and the progress he has made both academically and personally. Jeremy has struggled with school work since entering middle school.
He seemed to have been satisfied with just passing. Mrs. Johnson and I both felt that he could do better if he really wanted to excel. We felt that he needed to be motivated, personally. He needed what Mrs. Johnson calls, “his own want-to”.
The Cn’S miracle happened in Jeremy; he saw the light. He took an interest in himself and he chose to grip on to life’s principles. He is nearly half way through his freshman year at Germantown High School and at my last check he has 3 A’s and 2 B’s. This is the first time he has made honor roll in about 3 years.
Yes, Mrs. Johnson and I are proud of Jeremy’s success but Jeremy is proud of himself, too. His self-pride and new found confidence have benefited him at school and have spilled over into his everyday life at home.
I am so grateful for Mrs. Johnson going that extra mile to work with our children. She fights for them as hard as we the parents do. I believe the old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I say that the Caring n’ Sharing School helps form our village.
I am most impressed with my son, Jeremy and the progress he has made both academically and personally. Jeremy has struggled with school work since entering middle school.
He seemed to have been satisfied with just passing. Mrs. Johnson and I both felt that he could do better if he really wanted to excel. We felt that he needed to be motivated, personally. He needed what Mrs. Johnson calls, “his own want-to”.
The Cn’S miracle happened in Jeremy; he saw the light. He took an interest in himself and he chose to grip on to life’s principles. He is nearly half way through his freshman year at Germantown High School and at my last check he has 3 A’s and 2 B’s. This is the first time he has made honor roll in about 3 years.
Yes, Mrs. Johnson and I are proud of Jeremy’s success but Jeremy is proud of himself, too. His self-pride and new found confidence have benefited him at school and have spilled over into his everyday life at home.
I am so grateful for Mrs. Johnson going that extra mile to work with our children. She fights for them as hard as we the parents do. I believe the old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I say that the Caring n’ Sharing School helps form our village.
Pregnancy is NOT a Disease
Hey everybody, let’s tell everybody that pregnancy is NOT a disease. It’s not contagious to females young or young at heart. No, no, no!
Pregnancy is a condition created by a particular behavioral act between a male and female, (voluntarily or involuntarily).
If a male and female do that which makes a baby, sooner or later, a baby will be made. That’s Biology 101.The Earth is populated because males and females, hopefully husbands and wives, chose to do that which makes babies.
Doing that which makes babies is the only act of behavior that can alter one’s future, limit freedom, take health, take life and make new life. To live from day to day, nobody has to do that which makes babies. It is NOT necessary to sustain human life. But…, to maintain the human race, it’s necessary to do that which makes babies. Think about that.
Life comes from life.
If there is NO life at conception, there will be NO life in nine months later. That’s Biology 101, also.
Let’s tell everybody that if we choose to behave according to God’s moral standard, there will be little or no need for Moms to march and protest for their rights to silent the unborn for-ever. They had nothing to do with their parents’ choice to do that which makes babies. Let’s remember that. Okay?
Hey everybody, let’s tell everybody that pregnancy is NOT a disease. It’s not contagious to females young or young at heart. No, no, no!
Pregnancy is a condition created by a particular behavioral act between a male and female, (voluntarily or involuntarily).
If a male and female do that which makes a baby, sooner or later, a baby will be made. That’s Biology 101.The Earth is populated because males and females, hopefully husbands and wives, chose to do that which makes babies.
Doing that which makes babies is the only act of behavior that can alter one’s future, limit freedom, take health, take life and make new life. To live from day to day, nobody has to do that which makes babies. It is NOT necessary to sustain human life. But…, to maintain the human race, it’s necessary to do that which makes babies. Think about that.
Life comes from life.
If there is NO life at conception, there will be NO life in nine months later. That’s Biology 101, also.
Let’s tell everybody that if we choose to behave according to God’s moral standard, there will be little or no need for Moms to march and protest for their rights to silent the unborn for-ever. They had nothing to do with their parents’ choice to do that which makes babies. Let’s remember that. Okay?
Dear Students,
At your age, you might feel no need to read what I am writing. But at my age, I feel a need to write something, (while the blood still runs warm in my veins).
I know you have a lot of voices calling for your mind and attention. You have that awesome responsibility to hear and heed the right calling. The choice you make can be life changing and future altering for you.
I feel for you and I feel with you, too. You are young with limited knowledge and limited experience. So, you have to trust somebody to help steer you in your choice of actions. Your choosing the right somebody could be like gambling, playing a game of chance not with money but your life and your future.
Listen, precious ones, the journey of life is too long for shallow thinking. Take time and make your moves slowly and prayerfully.
I am going to say something about folks that you might not have thought about before. Folks can be good and bad, dumb and smart, honest and dishonest. Sometimes it’s all mixed up and lopsided, too. Some folks have purpose and direction for their lives and others just DON’T have a clue. They live by trial and error not by principles.
Folks for the most part, look normal, talk and act very much alike. But, you have to listen to determine whether they respect their own words or not. Listen for their meaning and their point of reference: God, a sense of what’s right, fair and just. If folks don’t have respect for the truth, they can’t communicate clearly and honestly on any particular subject.
There are distinctions between legal and illegal, normal and abnormal, right and wrong. You’ll learn soon if not already, that we adults can do and say some non-sen-si-cal things. For example, we’ll claim to be for what’s legally right and morally sound until we experience personal conflict. Then, we will make new policies and rewrite old laws to accommodate our bad habits and immoral lifestyles.
Students, our thinking might be politically correct and our behavior understandable but know this, everything that is legal is NOT right and everything that is right is not legal.
Don’t be afraid to think for yourself no matter how sensitive the subject. Sexuality is a very sensitive topic and emotions can kidnap common sense in an instant. Sex is serious, serious business. It’s the ONLY human behavior that can limit you freedom, alter your future, take you health, take your life and make new life.
You might not want to admit it but an unwed teen pregnancy can bring guilt, shame, disgrace, regrets, tears and much sorrow to a family, the young mom/dad and the innocent child.
Sex is NOT necessary to sustain human life but sex is necessary to maintain the human race.
Think about that!
Be selective in the activities you allow yourself to enjoy. Be particular about the folks you date and the folks with whom you choose to associate. Be protective of your mind and your physical body. You cannot undo an experience be it good or bad. Again, be protective, selective and particular about your mind and your body.
Self-discipline is the best discipline in the long run. So, be a personal friend to yourself and your family. That’s good business. It’s the cool thing to do in these hot times of personal choice, no sin, no shame and no disgrace.
Love you for now and forever, precious ones. I’m counting on you to do right and go straight, re-e-e-gardless!!!
Jannie B. Johnson
At your age, you might feel no need to read what I am writing. But at my age, I feel a need to write something, (while the blood still runs warm in my veins).
I know you have a lot of voices calling for your mind and attention. You have that awesome responsibility to hear and heed the right calling. The choice you make can be life changing and future altering for you.
I feel for you and I feel with you, too. You are young with limited knowledge and limited experience. So, you have to trust somebody to help steer you in your choice of actions. Your choosing the right somebody could be like gambling, playing a game of chance not with money but your life and your future.
Listen, precious ones, the journey of life is too long for shallow thinking. Take time and make your moves slowly and prayerfully.
I am going to say something about folks that you might not have thought about before. Folks can be good and bad, dumb and smart, honest and dishonest. Sometimes it’s all mixed up and lopsided, too. Some folks have purpose and direction for their lives and others just DON’T have a clue. They live by trial and error not by principles.
Folks for the most part, look normal, talk and act very much alike. But, you have to listen to determine whether they respect their own words or not. Listen for their meaning and their point of reference: God, a sense of what’s right, fair and just. If folks don’t have respect for the truth, they can’t communicate clearly and honestly on any particular subject.
There are distinctions between legal and illegal, normal and abnormal, right and wrong. You’ll learn soon if not already, that we adults can do and say some non-sen-si-cal things. For example, we’ll claim to be for what’s legally right and morally sound until we experience personal conflict. Then, we will make new policies and rewrite old laws to accommodate our bad habits and immoral lifestyles.
Students, our thinking might be politically correct and our behavior understandable but know this, everything that is legal is NOT right and everything that is right is not legal.
Don’t be afraid to think for yourself no matter how sensitive the subject. Sexuality is a very sensitive topic and emotions can kidnap common sense in an instant. Sex is serious, serious business. It’s the ONLY human behavior that can limit you freedom, alter your future, take you health, take your life and make new life.
You might not want to admit it but an unwed teen pregnancy can bring guilt, shame, disgrace, regrets, tears and much sorrow to a family, the young mom/dad and the innocent child.
Sex is NOT necessary to sustain human life but sex is necessary to maintain the human race.
Think about that!
Be selective in the activities you allow yourself to enjoy. Be particular about the folks you date and the folks with whom you choose to associate. Be protective of your mind and your physical body. You cannot undo an experience be it good or bad. Again, be protective, selective and particular about your mind and your body.
Self-discipline is the best discipline in the long run. So, be a personal friend to yourself and your family. That’s good business. It’s the cool thing to do in these hot times of personal choice, no sin, no shame and no disgrace.
Love you for now and forever, precious ones. I’m counting on you to do right and go straight, re-e-e-gardless!!!
Jannie B. Johnson
Dear Granddaughter,
I commend you for finding reasons, year after year, to stay in school and graduate with a high school diploma. Now my question is are you ready for the classroom in the bigger world?
This fall, on your college campus, you’ll meet professors and students of different races, religions, lifestyles, attitudes and background. That’s a different world than your home schooling and home training.
I think you’ll do all right in college if you stay focused on who you are and why you are there.
Well… you know how I value education, particularly teaching. But, I’m not blind to what I see neither deaf to the things I hear. I’ve been teaching and learning a long time. I know what works best in life for the long run.
You’ll be learning from your professors and schoolmates but your purpose for college is to learn how to teach NOT to find yourself. You “found” yourself at home along with your name, your race, sex, birthday, parents and place of birth. That information is also on your birth certificate.
You’re a single girl so behave as if you are. A boyfriend is just that a boyfriend not a husband. You might meet some professors and students who don’t know the difference or don’t respect that difference. That’s … on… them. Don’t you play dumb; you know better; you know the difference.
Back in the day, I lived on a campus. So, I have some experience. I know dorm mates can be informative and very persuasive. Upper classmen can seem so smart and cool. Don’t get fooled by them; stay focused on your life for the now AND the later.
Your formal education is NOT to replace your common sense. So, keep your head. Before you started school, you learned to take a bath, put on clean clothes, tuck in your blouse, comb your hair, tie-up your shoes, snap your snaps, button your buttons, zip your zippers, eat your food and brush your teeth before going out in public. Remember?
In preschool, you learned to mark and write on paper and chalk boards NOT on your body. You were taught to cherish your body as precious, special, and valuable. It’s your temple where you live and where God wants to live, too. So, don’t poke holes in it or its parts. If you must poke holes, poke them in my backyard.
Loosely cover your nakedness. What’s moral or ethical in revealing your everything: your skinniness, fatness, curves, cracks, bulges, big/little boobs and buns? Why flaunt your beauty before some lustful minds and eyes to disrobe you? Be a la-dy of integrity with dignity!
Granddaughter, stay focused on your purpose at college. Enjoy, yes; have fun, if you can but NOT in exchange for your common sense and decency. You might be tempted to compromise but don’t you bend, bow, buckle, stoop or yield. STAND!! You can, yes you can!
We your family, relatives and friends trust you to do right and go straight. We expect you to be trustworthy. Okay?
Start now to pray for yourself, your professors, and school mates. Plan to study much, do your schoolwork, be on time for class and mind your own business. If at any time you sense doubting in your faith or begin questioning the reality in principle living, call me. I’ll be somewhere listening and praying for you.
Love ya,
Your Big Momma
(Jannie B. Johnson)
I commend you for finding reasons, year after year, to stay in school and graduate with a high school diploma. Now my question is are you ready for the classroom in the bigger world?
This fall, on your college campus, you’ll meet professors and students of different races, religions, lifestyles, attitudes and background. That’s a different world than your home schooling and home training.
I think you’ll do all right in college if you stay focused on who you are and why you are there.
Well… you know how I value education, particularly teaching. But, I’m not blind to what I see neither deaf to the things I hear. I’ve been teaching and learning a long time. I know what works best in life for the long run.
You’ll be learning from your professors and schoolmates but your purpose for college is to learn how to teach NOT to find yourself. You “found” yourself at home along with your name, your race, sex, birthday, parents and place of birth. That information is also on your birth certificate.
You’re a single girl so behave as if you are. A boyfriend is just that a boyfriend not a husband. You might meet some professors and students who don’t know the difference or don’t respect that difference. That’s … on… them. Don’t you play dumb; you know better; you know the difference.
Back in the day, I lived on a campus. So, I have some experience. I know dorm mates can be informative and very persuasive. Upper classmen can seem so smart and cool. Don’t get fooled by them; stay focused on your life for the now AND the later.
Your formal education is NOT to replace your common sense. So, keep your head. Before you started school, you learned to take a bath, put on clean clothes, tuck in your blouse, comb your hair, tie-up your shoes, snap your snaps, button your buttons, zip your zippers, eat your food and brush your teeth before going out in public. Remember?
In preschool, you learned to mark and write on paper and chalk boards NOT on your body. You were taught to cherish your body as precious, special, and valuable. It’s your temple where you live and where God wants to live, too. So, don’t poke holes in it or its parts. If you must poke holes, poke them in my backyard.
Loosely cover your nakedness. What’s moral or ethical in revealing your everything: your skinniness, fatness, curves, cracks, bulges, big/little boobs and buns? Why flaunt your beauty before some lustful minds and eyes to disrobe you? Be a la-dy of integrity with dignity!
Granddaughter, stay focused on your purpose at college. Enjoy, yes; have fun, if you can but NOT in exchange for your common sense and decency. You might be tempted to compromise but don’t you bend, bow, buckle, stoop or yield. STAND!! You can, yes you can!
We your family, relatives and friends trust you to do right and go straight. We expect you to be trustworthy. Okay?
Start now to pray for yourself, your professors, and school mates. Plan to study much, do your schoolwork, be on time for class and mind your own business. If at any time you sense doubting in your faith or begin questioning the reality in principle living, call me. I’ll be somewhere listening and praying for you.
Love ya,
Your Big Momma
(Jannie B. Johnson)
Former Student Days
927 Robinson Springs Road, Madison, MS 39110
601-856-2611 - Office
601-856-6755 - School
927 Robinson Springs Road, Madison, MS 39110
601-856-2611 - Office
601-856-6755 - School